The bank credit system is limited and the bond issuance process is complex. Most firms issue new shares to raise the funds they need to develop their activities and implement their plans.This article details an investigation of the impact of investor sentiment and using market timing at the time of SEO, the short and long-run stock price performance subsequent to SEOs and the cross-sectional and time-series effects of investor sentiments on both short and long-run stock price performance subsequent to SEO events.We used the Baker and Wurgler(2007) model to estimate the sentiment index in the TSE. Next We categorize all sample SEOs into high and low sentiment, according to the level of the sentiment index in the month when the SEO is conducted. we use cumulative abnormal-returns(CARs) to investigate short-run stock price performance and the buy-and-hold returns (BHAR) to examine long-run stock price performance. The data were compiled of 101 firms from different industries of TSE in the period of 1391-1398. Firms conducting SEOs during high sentiment periods experience less severe short-run price drops around the issuance and this effect are stronger for small, young, and high market-to-book ratio firms. firms conducting SEOs during high sentiment periods experience more severe post-issue long-run underperformance and this effect of investor sentiment are stronger for big, older, and low market-to-book ratio firms. By considering sentiment index level around SEOs and the firm's characteristics, investors can adopt the investment policy of selling,-buying or holding shares after the SEO.
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Aghababaei, M. E. , and Eskandari, M. . "Investor sentiment and Investing the Stock price performance after SEO", Financial Management Perspective, 12, 40, 2022, 97-118. doi: 10.52547/jfmp.12.40.97
Aghababaei, M. E., Eskandari, M. (2022). 'Investor sentiment and Investing the Stock price performance after SEO', Financial Management Perspective, 12(40), pp. 97-118. doi: 10.52547/jfmp.12.40.97
M. E. Aghababaei and M. Eskandari, "Investor sentiment and Investing the Stock price performance after SEO," Financial Management Perspective, 12 40 (2022): 97-118, doi: 10.52547/jfmp.12.40.97
Aghababaei, M. E., Eskandari, M. Investor sentiment and Investing the Stock price performance after SEO. Financial Management Perspective, 2022; 12(40): 97-118. doi: 10.52547/jfmp.12.40.97