Author Index


  • Baghjari, Mahmoud Examining the Return and the Return Volatility of Investment Industry in the Months of Ramadan and Muharram [Volume 6, Issue 15, 2017, Pages 25-41]


  • Kamran, Mahdieh Examining the interrelationships of corporate governance, liquidity and performance using the system of simultaneous equations [Volume 6, Issue 15, 2017, Pages 81-110]


  • Nilchi, Moslem Examining the Return and the Return Volatility of Investment Industry in the Months of Ramadan and Muharram [Volume 6, Issue 15, 2017, Pages 25-41]


  • Rasoolian, Azadeh Examining the Return and the Return Volatility of Investment Industry in the Months of Ramadan and Muharram [Volume 6, Issue 15, 2017, Pages 25-41]


  • Safari Moghadam, Hossein [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 131-159]
  • Saghafi, Ali Examining the interrelationships of corporate governance, liquidity and performance using the system of simultaneous equations [Volume 6, Issue 15, 2017, Pages 81-110]